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Oy Prima Partner Russia Ltd offers to SME-companies Business Culture Knowledge and Project Process Knowledge - how to deal in Finnish/Russian/English SME Business Environment.
Oy Prima Partner Russia Services:
Marketing and Internet-marketing
- Engagement marketing (Consultation and Training)
- Travel consultation (internet marketing and mobility marketing)
News !
The Jopi Service that we represent is moving to a Microsoft AZURE service, where we believe the security of our service will improve, especially with the help of the Microsoft ENTRA control panel.
Why we moved to the AZURE cloud service
Microsoft has a number of SaaS cloud services (Software as a Service) aimed at organizations, which are designed for a specific purpose of use. These include, for example, Microsoft 365 (information worker's work tools), Dynamics 365 (e.g. customer relationship management) and Intune (device management).
Unlike these, Azure is more of a platform service, the goal of which is to act as a platform for all kinds of applications, services and servers. Azure is therefore a general-purpose platform service that offers both IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) and PaaS (Platform as a Service) service as a platform for applications.
In addition, there are various additional components that can be used to extend the functionality of applications hosted in Azure. Azure components can be roughly divided into three different groups:
actual platform services (i.e. server capacity),
storage services
and additional services.
Azure integration and data services as part of its infrastructure provide a strong foundation for business development in the era of artificial intelligence. Seamless, automatically controlled system integrations and data-driven services cover advanced analytics, API management and intelligent reporting. These provide the Jopi service with the kind of continuity and especially information security that our times need to ensure reliable operation.
See more https://www.edapco.fi
One ready-made SaaS (Azure) web solution is in the field of real estate management.
In Finland, where there are challenging climatic conditions for houses, it can rain a meter of snow in an hour and that turns into wet in an hour. This means that the durability of the roof need to be strong. In the spring, when the snow melts, there are challenges for the drainage system due water. In winter, the house must be heated properly and other building technology must be in order.
The age of the houses varies from hundreds of years to a year so there must be a variety of tacit information to keep the house intact and in good condition. Finland has hundreds of years of experience in high-quality construction and house maintenance.
What is important is tacit data transfer where Jopi SaaS web solidification software provides ready-made processes on how to manage propety and attaching various house documents and even homemade youtube videos to transfer and have a repository of tacit knowledge about house maintenance
Duties of the parties to a housing company renovation project
There are many factors involved in a housing company's renovation projects. In addition to the housing company's board and property manager, the project manager and a number of various house condition inspectors , supervisors, designers and contractors are also involved in major repair projects.
Everyone is said to play an important role in a successful repair project, but how are the roles and responsibilities of the parties further divided? The role of the property manager varies Major repair projects are long and expensive processes that a housing company, typically made up of lay people, will not survive on its own. The main tasks of the housing association in the projects are related to decision-making and hiring expert professionals. The housing company's board of directors and property manager carry out tasks related to the renovation project as authorized by the housing company.
The board of the housing association monitors that the professionals do their work as agreed and ensure that the necessary decisions are made in a timely manner. It is also the government's responsibility to provide information. The role of the property manager in a renovation project depends a lot on the content of the project and the expertise of the board. If there are professionals in the board, for example, the role of the board in carrying out the tasks related to the repair project will be more significant. The task of the property manager is at least to be clear about the overall picture, as his task is to manage the day-to-day administration of the housing association.
An impartial project manager is often elected to lead a repair project A successful repair project requires a leader to take the project safely from start to finish. This manager can be the board of the housing association, the property manager or the project manager. Due to the demanding nature of today's renovation projects, a project manager, a construction consultant, is increasingly being chosen as the manager. In addition to construction tasks, the project manager is responsible for preparing decisions for the housing association. His responsibilities are based on a consultancy contract, which may include, for example, project scheduling, organization, resourcing, communication between project partners, tendering of contracts, and drafting of contracts.
House condition inspector are examining the condition of the property The task of a house condition inspector is to find out the condition of the property's structures, structural parts and systems. House condition inspector may be familiar with the housing association through previous research. For example, the need to undertake a repair project has become apparent through a assessment and an accompanying long-term plan implemented by house condition inspector. House condition inspector are also needed in repair projects to ensure the extent to which the repair project is being implemented.
As a professional, the project manager is able to guide which researchers are needed for any repair project. For example, repair projects for pipelines and facades have their own house condition inspector. The task of the planners of the renovation project is to draw up plans that will allow the housing association to apply for a building permit and to tender for and finally implement the entire project. Renovation projects in a housing association usually involve many designers in different fields. For example, a plumbing renovation design team consists of architectural, structural, electrical, and plumbing designers.
It is worth investing in planning, because good plans will reduce the extra work and disagreements during the contract. The contractor implements and the supervisor oversees The contractor is responsible for carrying out the work specified in the contract within the agreed time. A contractor organization can include a wide variety of professionals from construction workers to electricians and material suppliers. Some of the operators are subcontractors, which are the responsibility of the main contractor.
Jopi SaaS web task in brief
Informing the implementation phase is also usually the responsibility of the contractor. In addition to the contractor, representatives of the inspection body regularly visit the site. The supervisor or supervisors in the various sectors will ensure that the contractors carry out the repair work as agreed. They visit the site regularly and document their observations in writing. They also address any errors and omissions during the project.

After the completion of the contract, the Contractor shall be responsible for correcting any errors and deficiencies caused in accordance with the General Terms and Conditions of the Construction Contract (YSE 1998). The warranty period for a contract is typically two years. The roles of the parties are clear from the outset Every property is different, so is a renovation project. Although most of the tasks of the parties to a project are similar from one project to another, there are also almost no differences. The responsibility for who does what always rests with the client, the Housing Company. The division of roles should be locked immediately at the beginning of the project. In the division of roles, it is worth utilizing the competent help of the project manager.